The Region
The Champagne comprises the rural idyll of two contrasting areas: the wide plains which in the South merge into a lively lake and meadow landscape, and the raw forests and hills of the Ardennes in the North. The designated Route Touristique du Champagne leads through vineyards into the endless corn fields which in the South merge into the lake district with its oak woods, grasslands and rivers. At the Belgian border lie the Ardennes named after the Celtic name for deep forest. Through this wild borderland with jagged valleys and hills the river Meuse winds through. The Ardennes reveal to the traveller and nature-lover a special charm. On the lakes east of Troyes water sports are very popular.
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Culture & Sights
The Ardennes offer a fascinating landscape, the Champagne being interesting as a cultural for its restored old cities. There are remarkable churches, from the outstanding Gothic Cathedral of Reims to the timber-framed houses typical for this region. These houses are worth seeing for their glass windows of the School of Troyes whose intricate art bears the stamp of this area. Reims, the capital of the Champagne, has not only created some of the most famous grandesmarques whose origin is mainly in the region around the Basilique St-Rémi. Its reputation also goes back to an older root: Ever since the 11th century all the monarchs of France were crowned in the Cathédrale Notre-Dame. Another town worth seeing is Troyes, a lively place with its champagne-cork-shaped historical centre and a great many Gothic churches from the 16th century. It is famous for its sausages, textile industry and their outlets. The wine cellars in Épernay are also worth a visit.
The Cuisine
The so-called „holy triangle of the Champagne“with the corner points Épernay, Reims and Châlons-sur-Marne attracts gourmets like a magnet. Here the enjoyment of champagne will be refined by a choice of dishes like filled trout, Ardennes ham and the famous sausages andouilettes. Champagne tasting is offered everywhere, while Moët&Chandon and Mercier are to be mentioned, both in Épernay. These brands are well-known all over the world for their high quality.
The Country and its People
The peace-loving people of the Champagne are not only proud of their sparkling wine, but also of their glorious architecture and history. Here you will be aware of its importance and you will enjoy a status conferred by comfort and well-being. Here the visitor is welcomed with joy and introduced to the uniqueness of the country.